Field of Interest:
Kara Abdolmaleki
Kara Abdolmaleki holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Alberta. His dissertation was titled “‘A Robin Redbreast’ in an ‘Iron Cage’: Revisiting the Intellectual Movement of Dissent in Iran between the 1953 Coup and the 1979 Revolution. It examines Romanticist and critical counter-Enlightenment propensities in Iranian fiction, poetry, and film. Kara completed his master’s and bachelor’s degrees in English Literature at the University of Tehran and Kurdistan University, Iran. In Canada, he collaborated with several journals including The Canadian Review of Comparative Literature and Inquire Journal of Comparative Literature in various capacities. His work has appeared in the International Journal of Iranian Studies, Film International, Parsagon, and The Guardian. His research interests include Iranian cinema, literature, and culture as well as postcolonial and Critical Theory.