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Bahram Beyzayi’s Interview Looking for Arash the Archer

Bahram Beyzayi’s Interview Looking for Arash the Archer

Bahram Beyzaie is one of Iran's most acclaimed filmmakers, playwrights, and scholars of the history of Iranian theater, both secular and religious. He was a leader of the generation of filmmakers' known as the Iranian New Wave, beginning in the late 1960s, and has since directed more than a dozen prize-winning films. He has also conducted pioneering research into the roots of ancient legends derived from Indo-Iranian mythology and known collectively as A Thousand and One Nights. He is that rare artist who is also an erudite critic and scholar of his myriad crafts. Beyzaie lives and works in Iran, but is spending time at Stanford as the Bita Daryabari Visiting Professor of Persian Studies.

Bahram Beyzayi