The Cow | گاو
All the hope of Mash Hassan’s life is in the only cow that he has in his stable, and from its existence, in addition to his family’s livelihood, he also benefits the people of the village. All these issues have made Mash Hasan to have a special attachment to this cow. But the day Mash Hassan went to the city, the cow died due to an unknown cause, and with the consent of Mash Hassan’s wife, the villagers buried the cow’s corpse in the yard of his house, and after Mash Hassan returned, they pretended that the cow had escaped, but he did not believe it and believed that it was a cow. is alive After that, his mood changes and he thinks he is a cow. The efforts and advice of the elders and elders of the village did not lead to a solution, and finally Kadkhoda and Mash Islam decided to handcuff him and take him to the city for treatment. But Mash Hassan escapes from them on the way and falls into a valley and dies.