Abbaseh and Jafar Barmaki | عباسه و جعفر برمکی
Behzad Parsi (Iloosh) goes to Baghdad and, after meeting with Qobad (Seyyed Ali Miri), they decide to save Yahya Alavi (Habibollah Balur). Yahya Alavi is under the surveillance of Harun al-Rashid’s soldiers (Reza Rokhshani), and Jafar Barmaki (the watchmaker) has intervened to ensure no harm comes to Yahya Alavi, preventing him from returning to Iran. After meeting with Yahya, Behzad requests him to return to their homeland to help save Iran. Zobeideh Khatun (Ghaleh Alav), a powerful woman in Harun al-Rashid’s administration, opposes Jafar Barmaki. Abbasah (Vajista), Harun al-Rashid’s sister, who is married to Jafar Barmaki and has a son with him, is estranged from her brother. Ardalan (Jamshid Mehrdad), one of Jafar Barmaki’s associates, helps Behzad in smuggling the Barmaki children back to Iran, but Zobeideh Khatun’s followers capture them and present them as evidence of Jafar Barmaki and Abbasah’s betrayal to Harun al-Rashid’s court. Abbasah declares herself Jafar Barmaki’s legitimate wife, but…
Cast & Crew
Iloosh, Jamshid Mehrdad, Rakhshani, Vajesta, Zhaleh Olov