Friday's Soldiers | سربازهای جمعه
On a Friday, four soldiers, Asef (Bahram Radan), Reza (Mohammad Reza Forutan), Saeed (Poulad Kimiayi), and Faramarz (Pejman Bazeghi), visit their families, and this holiday becomes a turning point in their lives. Reza discovers disturbing news during his mother’s funeral – his sister is imprisoned for murdering her husband, and his father has taken a girl as a concubine. Asif, hailing from a wealthy background, is heartbroken to find that his sister, Noghreh (Andisheh Fouladvand), has fallen into addiction due to her teacher’s love. Meanwhile, Faramarz, a singer, heads to the studio to perform his latest composition. Lastly, Saeed, a politician with plans to travel abroad, is devastated to found from the newspaper that three of his friends have been killed while attempting to smuggle themselves overseas.