The Dancer's Tears | اشک رقاصه
Akbar comes to Tehran from Arak in search of work and rents a room that Mehdi, the real estate agent, has also rented to him and Mash Yadollah. Akbar lives in the same room with Mash Yadollah and his son, Hassan, and Mash Yadollah gives his van to Akbar to work on. The house belongs to an elderly dancer named Marzieh, and Maryam, Mehdi’s sister, is also her tenant. Maryam works in a manufacturing company, and Akbar is hired as a transport driver with her guarantee, arousing the anger of Hossein, the company’s storekeeper, who is interested in Maryam. Akbar gets involved in a fight with an assailant on the road while transporting goods and flees, thinking he has killed the man. Hossein and his men extort the cargo as silence money from him, and he is forced to deliver the cargo to them. Hossein informs the company’s boss that Akbar has stolen the cargo, and the boss threatens to seize Maryam’s house property as compensation for the guarantee. Akbar accidentally discovers that he has not committed murder and confronts Hossein and his accomplices, retrieving the cargo from them. Hossein takes Maryam hostage and confronts Akbar and Mehdi. Eventually, they rescue Maryam, and Akbar ends up with Maryam and Mehdi with Marzieh.