Mushegh Sarvarian (February 15, 1910-August 13, 1981) was an Iranian-Armenian filmmaker, screenwriter, journalist and set designer, who entered the film industry through a variety of artistic channels. He studied painting and decoration in Tbilisi and Yerevan. He began his career as a magazine editor in Armenia. Additionally, he directed several children’s plays and created cartoons for newspapers, as well as posters for contemporary movies. He also produced animated films for commercial purposes. Subsequently, he was employed as an interior designer at Tehran’s ‘S‛adī Theater’. Sarvarian began his screenwriting and filmmaking career in the 1950s, with the production of his debut film, Mahtāb-i Khūnīn (Bloody Moonlight) in 1955, for the ‘Mīsāqīyyah Studio’. His most notable and significant work is the well-known comedy Shabnishīnī dar jahannam (A Party in Hell; 1956), a co-directing effort with Samuel Khachikian (Sāmūʼil Khāchikiyān). Sarvarian is recognized as a leading figure in Iranian cinema and theatre for his contributions to set construction and design.